My wife is a sex object.
Every time I ask for sex, she objects.
~ Les Dawson ~
Well done, brilliant.
life's sad truths .
i once had a rose named after me and i was very flattered.
but i was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: .
My wife is a sex object.
Every time I ask for sex, she objects.
~ Les Dawson ~
Well done, brilliant.
well here i am again if you haven't already read my story here are my first two major posts: .
Nice story
i clicked on forum statistics and saw this graph.
i didn,t see this before.. .
the last week of november seemed to be the busiest with 100,000 viewers.
Alexa site stats are a farce because the only track sites visited by users with the Alexa toolbar included as spyware within their computers. It doesn't track people visiting from further afield.
background information:first of all, i am not a jw.
i divorced my husband due to his alcohol addiction and because he repeatedly refused to seek help.
i could no longer carry the burden, and so after 30 years, i left.
Discover the trtuh behind the bible, then let it control your life if you find it to be correct.
However, you will not. Live free.
jewish leaders want a monopoly over the spiritual life of the jewish people, and do not want them to learn about the liberating faith of christianity because jewish leaders would lose their power.
Its ironic.
In 1994, the 80 year old Lady Jane Birdwood was arrested and prosecuted in a criminal court in London, England for the "crime" of publishing in her pamphlet, The Longest Hatred, the truthful statement that the Talmud contains anti-Gentile and anti-Christian passages. (She was accused of violating the Public Order Act of 1986).
However, today, the 'longest hatred' has become a documentary discussing hatred of Jews, anti semitism, produced in VHS and book format. It discusses the hatred of Jews by Christians and Muslims.
The latter has not been censored out, I don't know why that is.
Mel Gibson's film paints ~Jews as the people who killed Jesus, then it is bound to cause the more fundamental of Christians to feel anti semetic.
i was last saturday at the verizon store, getting my cell phone fixed.
i am standing in line and waitin for the next salesperson to help me.
out of the corner of my eye is this guy standing, shaking his head at me.
in a september 22nd, 2002 speech to visiting christian zionists, israeli prime minister ariel sharon asserted, "this land is ours... god gave us the title deeds..." however, recent scholarly research, including discoveries by an archaeological team from the university of tel aviv, not only deconstruct the biblical old testament and torah stories upon which this claim rests, but grant previously unthinkable credence to an ancient historian's claim that the israelites of exodus were actually the hyksos, and therefore of asiatic origin.
to trace the foundations of this ongoing biblical bonfire, we must go back to 1999. .
all hell broke loose in israel in november of that year when prof. ze'ev herzog of tel aviv university announced: "the israelites were never in egypt, did not wander the desert, did not conquer the land, and did not pass it on to the twelve tribes".
Excellent post, thank you very much.
I follow all sorts of news like this and read much literature concerning it. It seems as though Israel are getting desperate.
in the brief time that i've been reading jw-related postings and sites on the net, i've seen a lot of stuff regarding the jw leadership being all about the money with the implication that there is something unsavory about their acquisitiveness.. if that is true, what exactly do they want it for?
from what i've read, the gb seem to live reasonably well (better, in fact, than the average jw would expect, i think) but it hardly seems anything that would have earned them a spot on lifestyles of the rich and famous.
so, why would they be so concerned about amassing organizational wealth?
If you can read Ray Franz book Crises of Conscience, then included in this book is a picture of his room at Bethel. Very much far removed from the opinion that these people live like Moks and have no material goods.
Also, he claims that GB members are heralded as Kings and treated as such as they fly around the world in beautiful locations with the money from contributions.
They are just a mind control sick cult, money is a bonus.
i've got the first part of my state certification this morning...a three hour exam covering the last month and a half of training on state law, the judicial system, case practice, interventions, indicators of maltreatment and abuse et cetera and i've got anxiety out the wazoo (btw, does anyone know what a wazoo is??).
i have to pass this in order to keep my job and i've heard that it's pretty difficult, so i'm stressing just a wee bit.
i'm thinking the gallon of coffee i've already had this morning may not have been such a good idea??
Good luck Dana!
is very similar to
herman munster.
but looks aside, moscow is worried that kerry may defeat bush and the seemingly good relations between russia and the u.s built up by putin and bush could fade away. should also remember that not all of the citizens of the US are at fault for the foreign policy our government promotes
Yes, thats what I meant.